How Web App Development Indianapolis Can Save Your Company Time and Money
Let Cali Style take over the heavy lifting and move out the old dinosaurs that are eating away at your businesses profits and replace it with a time saving new web application.

Here's a few reasons why you should upgrade your technology.
Let's set a little premise for this; it's 2017, and it's more than likely that you not only own a laptop but probably a tablet, and a most likely a smartphone. Now, depending upon your type of job, you could spend close to 9.5 hours of your day in front of some form of screen or technology. From a point of sale system (POS) in a restaurant to a digital medical patient file or even texting a co-worker on a job site, we're bombarded with software and technology if we like it or not.
Now let's breakdown how often you use those pieces of technology throughout the day. Say you wake up and check your phone, messages and email while you're drinking your cup of coffee in the morning, pretty typical right?
Then depending upon your profession, you may answer text messages, phone calls and emails periodically every hour, multiple times an hour, or once a day.
You may even work with some form of technology that does multiple functions like:
- Social Media (play or work)
- Collects contact information
- Manages customer profiles
- Schedules appointments
- Processes payments
- Takes orders
- Handles fulfillment
From CRMs (Customer Relation Management) to POS (Point of Sale) systems, we're using technology every single day, and a lot of it is outdated, wasting thousands of hours per year waiting on artifacts (old out dated systems).
How Can Cali Style Help Advance Your Technology?
We've seen it all over the last 7 years, and we've pioneered a new path with Isomorphic Web Apps. Our open source technology stack allows for rapid development and deployment of any type of software from eCommerce to Order Fulfillment Management.
Each business is unique like a snowflake, and each businesses problems are unique as well. It's all starts off with the initial customer entry — how did they find out about your business?
- Search Engines?
- Word of Mouth?
- Social Media?
- Media Marketing?
- Traditional Marketing?
- Referral System?
- Guerrilla Marketing?
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter the customer entry, in today's day and age with technology, they're going to go to your businesses website and evaluate it from there. Your website is your businesses first validation point, this should be a great representation of your company forward-facing that the customer can engage with and that means Speed and UX are paramount.
Have a MEANINGFUL Online Experience
If you want to hold someone’s attention and motivate them to move beyond more than a few sections of your site, you need to make sure the experience is not only visually appealing, but also up-to-date with modern technology with relevant, user-friendly design. As browser technology and mobile browsing continually improve, users have no patience for hard to navigate or slow services. We leverage and maximize our grand master expertise in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, and Angular.js with our own open source front-end framework Treefrog to create relevant, intuitive, and interactive experiences that will keep your users coming back for more. A great looking front end can’t function without the bones to sustain it. That’s where our proficiency with Mongo (No-SQL), Postgres, GraphQL, React, Gulp, APIs, and legacy databases makes integrating information a seamless challenge for us.
Have an Engaging User Experience & End Customer Experience
A responsive design means you’re accessible to all your customers in any and all circumstances, no matter what device they use to browse. This web trend was popular a few years ago, but is now the standard. When people come to your site, they expect and need to be able to navigate it seamlessly and instantaneously. To ensure that your product looks great and functions in any environment, we always design from mobile devices up to desktop. Responsive implementation and seamless design mean that your site functions as one organic whole—not merely individual sections. Our unique process assures you of two things: 1) flawless design and 2) simple code that you can use to maintain, nurture, and grow your business. All of our web apps are Environment Aware, meaning that they can gracefully transfer to any platform wether that be Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, or Windows.
We are a Boutique Indianapolis Web App Development Firm
We've worked with dozens of companies around the world, but we've found a new home in Indy. We take pride in creating state of the art mobile and web apps and we can bring that drive to your business. Whether you are looking for ways to increase the reach of your advertising campaigns or simply need a new and up to date presentation style for your existing web and mobile platforms, we're here to help. We are able to work with all of the leading modern app creation technologies, including the following:
- Node.Js, Express
- Google, AWS, Heroku
- Angular2, React
- xCode, C#, Swift
- Redis, Mongo, Postgres, GraphQL
More than Just Web Sites - An Indianapolis Software Development Company
We can do it all, from forward-facing presentation websites to sophisticated web applications that integrate with fulfillment services, there's yet to be a challenge we haven't tackled.
If you're stuck in the past and using ancient artifacts, you may not realize how much time you, and your employees are wasting per day. Let Cali Style take over the heavy lifting and move out the old dinosaurs that are eating away at your businesses profits and replace it with a cleaner, easier to use, and time saving software upgrade. Contact us today to talk about how we can help solve your problems. It's as easy as clicking the icon on the bottom right of your screen and starting a conversation.
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